📄️ To-Do app
In this tutorial we will show you, step-by-step, how to create a To-Do app in Python using Flet framework and then publish it as a desktop, mobile or web app. The app is a single-file console program of just 172 lines (formatted!) of Python code, yet it is a multi-platform application with rich, responsive UI:
📄️ Calculator app
In this tutorial we will show you, step-by-step, how to create a Calculator app in Python using Flet framework and publish it as a desktop, mobile or web app. The app is a simple console program, yet it is a multi-platform application with similar to iPhone calculator app UI:
📄️ Trello clone
Lets make a clone of Trello in Python with the Flet framework and then deploy it to fly.io!
📄️ Solitaire game
In this tutorial we will show you step-by-step creation of a famous Klondike solitaire game in Python with Flet. For an inspiration, we looked at this online game//www.solitr.com/
📄️ Chat app
In this tutorial we are going to create a trivial in-memory Chat app that will help you understand Flet framework basics. This app could be a good starting point to creating your own more complex and useful projects.