📄️ Audio
A control to simultaneously play multiple audio files. Works on macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android and web.
📄️ AudioRecorder
Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path. Works on macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android and web.
📄️ Draggable
A control that can be dragged from to a DragTarget.
📄️ DragTarget
A control that completes drag operation when a Draggable widget is dropped.
📄️ FilePicker
A control that allows you to use the native file explorer to pick single or multiple files, with extensions filtering support and upload.
📄️ Flashlight
A control to use FlashLight. Works on iOS and Android. Based on torchlight Flutter widget.
📄️ FletApp
Renders another Flet app in the current app, similar to HTML IFrame, but for Flet.
📄️ Geolocator
Geolocator fetches Position from device GPS. Works on macOS, Windows, iOS, Android and web.
📄️ GestureDetector
A control that detects gestures.
📄️ HapticFeedback
Allows access to the haptic feedback interface on the device.
📄️ InteractiveViewer
Allows users to pan, zoom, and rotate the provided content.
📄️ MergeSemantics
A control that merges the semantics of its descendants.
📄️ PermissionHandler
PermissionHandler can check and/or request permissions from the running device for access to various components. Works
📄️ Rive
Displays an animation from a Rive file (URL or local file).
📄️ SelectionArea
Flet controls are not selectable by default. SelectionArea is used to enable selection for its content.
📄️ Semantics
A control that annotates the control tree with a description of the meaning of the widgets.
📄️ SemanticsService
Allows access to the platform's accessibility services.
📄️ ShaderMask
A control that applies a mask generated by a shader to its child.
📄️ ShakeDetector
Detects phone shakes.
📄️ TransparentPointer
TransparentPointer is the solution to "How to pass through all gestures between two widgets in Stack" problem.
📄️ Video
Video playing control.
📄️ WindowDragArea
A control for drag to move, maximize and restore application window.